aahed abhor ached aches achoo adhan aghas aphid aphis arhat ashed ashen ashes ashet bahts bahut bohea bohos buhls buhrs cahow cohab cohoe cohog cohos dahls dohyo dzhos eched eches echos ephah ephas ephod ephor ethal ether ethic ethos ethyl evhoe ewhow fehme fohns hahas hohed huhus iched iches ichor ishes ither jehad jehus jihad johns kahal kehua kohas kohls lahar lehrs lehua lohan mahoe mahua mahwa mihis mohel mohrs mohua mohur muhly nahal nihil nohow ocher oches ochre ochry ogham oohed oshac other pshaw puhas rahed rahui rehab rehem saheb sahib schav schmo schul schwa tahas tahou tahrs tehrs tohos unhat unhip usher vehme wahoo yahoo 5 letter words with H as the third letter   Wordle game help - 5