After being confirmed last year, Apex Legends Mobile was released to a handful of regions across the globe. Later this month, Apex Legends Mobile will be available worldwide. As per VGC, Apex Legends Mobile design director, Jordan Patz, revealed the exciting news at a recent developer panel. According to Patz, Apex Legends Mobile will start with “10 Legends out of the gate” and include classic maps such as World’s Edge and Kings Canyon while “adding some twists to excite old school fans as well.” Mobile versions of popular games don’t always perform well. It will be interesting to see how Apex Legends Mobile will fare in this market. Specifically, how players will respond to Apex Legends Mobile getting exclusive game modes, maps, as well as live events. Respawn previously announced that Apex Legends Mobile will get certain Legends first and even exclusive characters. The good news is that the handful of players who have played Apex Legends Mobile so far appear to love it. Apex Legends Mobile reportedly feels less like a port of a more popular title and more of a completely separate title. It’s gotten to a point that fans are asking for Respawn to bring mobile-exclusive features into the game base game like legendary intro animations and skins. Unfortunately, Patz stopped short of confirming when exactly Apex Legends Mobile will roll out worldwide. Speaking of Respawn Entertainment, the Acadamy Award-winning studio is in charge of multiple big projects at the moment. After making a name with the pair of Titanfall games, EA has trusted Respawn to lead the development of some of its biggest IPs. Earlier this year, EA confirmed that Respawn was working on three new Star Wars games, which include the highly anticipated Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order sequel and a stylish FPS title.

Apex Legends Mobile will launch worldwide in a few weeks - 97Apex Legends Mobile will launch worldwide in a few weeks - 45Apex Legends Mobile will launch worldwide in a few weeks - 39