Call of Duty has recently started doing the same, with one of their biggest collaboration being the Godzilla vs. King Kong event earlier this year. And according to a new leak, it seems that the franchise is looking to double down on its efforts to do different collaborations. A new leak suggests that we could be getting football players as Operators in the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. The leak comes from a reliable insider TheGhostOfHope on Twitter, who previously had multiple leaks proven to be correct.

AkselConnorKlausLunaMessiNeymarPogbaRozeReyesGromsco — Hope (@TheGhostOfHope) October 9, 2022 The new files added to the game indicate that some of the greatest football players, like Messi, Neymar, and Pogba, are making their way to Modern Warfare II as Operators. The list of Operators leaked by Hope also includes the most criticized Operator, Roze. It seems she is also making a return. It would be interesting to see how well the new skin will do in terms of visibility. The full list of new Operators includes the following:

Aksel Conno. Klaus Luna Messi Neymar Pogba Roze Reyes Gromsco

The addition of football players could also be related to the upcoming FIFA World Cup. However, it is not confirmed whether the appearance of these names in the files indicates their addition as Operators or is just event-related. But, judging from the tweet by Hope, the names are mentioned in the same context as the infamous Roze Operator. It shouldn’t be surprising, given how the Call of Duty franchise has recently taken a collaborative route introducing new Operators and skins from outside the Call of Duty universe. We’ve had several instances, such as the addition of John Rambo from the Rambo series, John McClane from Die Hard, and the serial killer from the Scream movie series. Not to forget the most recent Godzilla vs. King Kong collaboration. It’ll be interesting to see how the new Operators are handled in the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II, scheduled to release on November 10, 2022, across all platforms.

Call of Duty  Modern Warfare 2 could feature popular football players - 42